Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lord, I want to know you more!

It is the end of week three or the beginning of week four depending on how you want to look at it and all I can say is, God is good!  Tuesday through Thursday Karen Chancey came and taught us the overview of the Bible, how the Old Testament fits with the New Testament, and the history of the Intertestamental period.  Amazing!  It is so cool to see the timeline of the events of the Bible and the way that it all fits together.  Something that is taken for granted so often.  I feel like so often we learn the Bible stories as kids, but once we get older, we focus so much on the New Testament that we miss out on all the great things God has to say in the Old Testament.  The events, promises, and theology in the Bible are so much cooler when you see how it fits with the rest of the Bible.  This coming week Mitch Maher is coming and continuing to teach us the overview of the Bible.  Karen says that Mitch is coming to put meat on the bones of the Bible that she gave us.  I am so excited to see the things that God is going to teach me this next week.
Friday we had Timothy group and Cat invited us over to her house for breakfast.  It was a great time of just being honest and vulnerable with eachother and just sharing our lives, whether the events be good or bad, with eachother.  It was an opportunity to come together, to speak Truth into eachother's lives, and to join together in praying for eachother.  Absolutely amazing!
Today (Sunday) was another day of church and my internship, such a blessing.  The more I'm at FBC Forsyth, the more excited I get.  I'm excited for the relationships that I'm forming with the kids, for how welcoming everyone is, and for the things that I'm learning through the church services.  It was different today because I was the only intern there today because the other two were both out of town, but it was a great opportunity to get to know some of the kids better.  It has been really neat to see how the relationships that I form at AWANA carry over to Sunday mornings and vice versa.  I'm both excited and nervous because next Sunday will be the first week that I take more of a leadership role, so please be praying for that, that I will have the confidence and that God will reveal to me what I need to do in order for Him to use me to reach these kids. 
Please also be praying that I will continue to be open to the things that God wants me to learn and that I will be willing to be stretched in ways that I know that it is only by God that these things are happening.  Continued prayers for my finance situation would also be awesome.  So good to know that the prayer is powerful!

1 comment:

  1. I totally get what you're saying about the OT ... I remember doing an assignment my freshman year for OT History and reading a story and thinking "this isn't right, this isn't at all how they told it to me in SS!" and then I remembered I was reading directly from the Bible and that the Bible is always right!! LOL It amazed how "dumbed" down the stories were as a kid and how they never really corrected that
