Monday, October 4, 2010

What is your vision?

Today has been a crazy, emotional day, but such a good one!  Today in class we talked about having a vision for our lives and we got a chance to work on our vision statements.  What a challenge!  My vision statement is far from being complete, but I feel like God showed me some awesome things.  My desire has always been to be a mother, ever since I was a little girl, that's all I've really wanted, so I was struggling with what my life would look like without being a mother or in the time period before I get to be a mother.  That's when God showed me that I can achieve the goals that I want to in raising children without actually being a mother.  The specifics of how to achieve my goals and desires is still so fuzzy, but I just realized that I have to be faithful where I am, whatever that looks like.  The purpose behind my vision is the clearest thing for me though.  We live in a lost and corrupt world that is producing lost and corrupt children.  My heart breaks when I see the things that children go through and it seems like their struggles just keep coming at younger and younger ages.  We, as Christ followers, are called to make disciples and it is my hope that by doing so, that instead of getting caught up in the ways of the world, children will find the joy offered in Christ.  Children need to know that God has called them to a higher purpose and to be trained in a way that will help them be a light in this dark world. 
Cat is going to look over my vision statement for me and help me find more of a direction.  I'm also excited to see how God is going to change my vision in this next year and even through out my life.  All I know is that if I'm continually seeking God's will for my life, then the Lord will bless that. 
I loved that as I'm sitting in class, figuring out my vision for my life, Colleen is in labor fulfilling a part of my dream.  Ethan Clyde Taylor was born at 1:33 and weighed in at 7lbs 4 oz.  He is absolutely beautiful.  I am so excited for this journey that Josh and Colleen are going through and I know that they are going to be absolutely amazing parents.  I am so excited to be an aunt and to get to walk along them in their journey!  It has taken everything in me to not just get in my car and drive home so that I can see that precious little boy in person and to hold him, but this weekend will come soon enough.  This week is going to be hectic, but I know I am going to learn so much.  Excited for what this week has in store for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristen I LOVE your blog! It's so cool! See you soon! :)

    Cameron <3
