Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Another week down.  Not even a whole week to go before it’s time to head home and then to our cabins in Arkansas for Thanksgiving.  Where has this semester gone?  I am absolutely loving each and every moment of my time at the Institute.  God is stretching me and teaching me thing beyond what I ever would have imagined.  I love the people that I’m here with and the friendships that I’m forming.  As much as I love it here, I’m excited to spend a week with my family and to get a chance to see some old friends and church family.  It will be so weird not being surrounded by 56 other people though.  Anyway…
This past week was a trying yet great week.  It is so cool to see how God provides and how His power is made perfect in my weakness.  I had my student speaker on Tuesday, it went pretty well but I was absolutely terrified, the fact that I was able to get through it at all was completely God.  Wednesday night I got to teach the 3rd and 4th grade girls at AWANA the song that I learned to memorize the books of the New Testament and just walk through with them what some of the different books are about.  It was a fun time.  It’s also been really fun just to see the relationships that I’m forming with these girls, even some that aren’t in my group.  It’s also really cool to see some of my girls memorizing God’s Word like crazy!  I had two girls say over 8 verses on Wednesday!  I am so proud of them!  Sunday was yet another adventure.  Pastor Jeramie is on a much deserved vacation so he wasn’t there and Jessica was spending some much deserved time with her family that was in town so she wasn’t there either and in case you are wondering, deer season is HUGE in Forsyth so many of our normal helpers were not there, so that left Abigail and I and a couple of helpers in charge of everything.  So again I say, Sunday was an adventure.  It went really well though, just another example of how God is good!  I taught the lesson this Sunday, yet another time of stretching, but God pulled through once again (like that is a surprise).  While some of the kids were a little crazy since Jeramie wasn’t there, there are always a few kids who are just such a blessing to me, in that they are hungry to hear God’s Word.  These kids are the ones that remind me that as long as there is at least one kid getting something out of it, then I’m up there for a purpose and I just have to let God speak through me.  God has used my internship as a great blessing for me, between the kids and the people that I get to work alongside I am blessed beyond my comprehension.  I could go on about how great my internship is for hours, but for the purpose of this update I won’t.
Yesterday we presented on the eras that we drew, bringing our Bible Overview Project to a close.  What a great assignment - developing a plan for teaching the Bible all the way through.  I presented on the Judges Era.  I can honestly say that I felt really good after my presentation, yet another God thing because I was so nervous going into it.  Keith and Jack were the ones that I presented to and they were such a blessing to me.  They just really encouraged me and how neat that I was sharing about how God used people we wouldn’t necessarily expect to be a Judge for Israel and got to tie it back in to how I felt so unworthy and incapable of teaching, yet God gave me the ability to do it.  I think God is just going to continuing beating that into me until I finally, truly get it and who knows how long that will take, but it’s been so cool to see Him working it out in my life and in the lives of those around me. 
The rest of this week is going to be busy, full of homework but also full of great fellowship.  Please pray that I will be able to find the balance between the two.  Please also pray for safe travels for everyone who will be traveling over this Thanksgiving holiday.  Also, Ben and Jennifer, two people from this Institute are getting married this Saturday, so great, but please be praying for their relationship because they will be the first to tell you that they want their marriage covered in prayer.  Also just be praying that we take every opportunity that God gives us to share the amazing things that God is doing in our lives.  Thank you all for your continued prayer and support!

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