Monday, November 29, 2010


I meant to update over Thanksgiving Break, but that week just seemed to slip away from me.  Anyway, my last update left off with the end of my Bible Overview Project.  The rest of the week was full of class, homework, internship, costumes, football practice, and fellowship.  Needless to say it was Spirit Week at the Institute with themed costume days, powder puff football tournament, and a hoedown complete with an Institute King and Queen.  Such a blast!  It was definitely a crazy week, but it was all worth it. 
This past week was Thanksgiving Break.  It was so great to spend some time at home, get to go to FBC Collinsville, and to spend time with both college friends and life-long friends.  I loved sharing with people the things that God is teaching me during my time at the Institute.  It’s funny because you can tell when people are asking me about the Institute because they’re truly interested and when they’re asking me to be polite.  Needless to say, for those who really wanted to know, I got to share with them for quite awhile about just how great our God is.  Also a great time of being with the family at our cabins in Arkansas.  I got to enjoy the family that God has blessed me with and his beautiful creation.  Probably one of my favorite parts of break was having my family go to church with me at FBC Forsyth yesterday.  I loved getting to share that part of my Institute experience with them.  As much fun as I had on break and as much as I loved getting to be with my family, it feels so great to be back.  It has just been reinforced to me that I truly am where God wants me to be and I have a peace about where I am and even though I don’t know what the future has in store for me, I know that God is in control.  I’m so thankful for my time here at the Institute and the things that God is teaching me and the friendships that are forming and just being surrounded by people who are seeking to know Christ more.  I know that I have so much more to learn and God has so much more in store for my life and that excites me so much.  I’m also so thankful for everyone who has played a role in my life to help me get to where I am today.  I’m thankful for the support of family and friends that are making my time here possible.  I’m thankful for the salvation I’ve been given and the fact that I am a new creation in Christ.  I cannot get over how good God is! 
Anyway, we have two weeks until Christmas break.  Only two more weeks in the semester, weird.  I’m having a hard time imagining leaving my friends here and my kiddos at Forsyth again, and this time for 3 weeks!  These two weeks are going to be awesome though!  Please be praying for Winter Retreat for FBC Collinsville’s youth group this coming weekend which I’m so excited to get to be a part of.  Pray that God will work in mighty ways so that we have no choice but to give Him glory for what happens.  Please also continue praying for my financial situation and that I will continue to trust God that He will provide when and how He sees fit.  Also be praying for everyone that we will all remember the true reason for the season and that we will be willing to show Christ’s love to all those around us.  So thankful for you and your continued prayers! 

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