Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Journey Continues

I have kind of taken a hiatus from my blogging but here I am once again.  After spending another amazing, yet stretching, summer at K7 I am back in Branson interning for the Kanakuk Institute.  I’m working 20 hours a week for the Institute and am currently looking for a part time job outside of that.  I am so excited for this journey that God is taking me on though.  I am getting to work alongside some great friends that did the Institute with me as well the Institute staff who I love dearly, all while getting to serve a ministry that is so dear to me.  My internship is doing some recruitment stuff, I get to plan trips, maybe go on some trips, and then follow up with the people we meet and hopefully start living life with them and giving them a glimpse of what the Institute is all about and what God is doing in and through this place.  While I’m excited for my job and seeing how God is going to stretch me through this experience, I really love getting to live life with another Institute class.  I was blessed to have already known quite a few of the students this year and am already loving the relationships that are forming with the students that I didn’t know coming into it.  I have loved seeing what God is already doing and am excited to see what else He is going to do in and through this class.  Today was their first day of internships and it was so fun getting to be a part of the interns’ at FBC Forsyth first day.  Forsyth has a stud group of interns which of course excites me because that is another place that has become so dear to me over the past year.  I am once again helping with 3rd and 4th grade girls at AWANA on Wednesday nights and am excited to continue pouring into my girls from last year as well as some new ones.  I have also been presented with a couple other opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings which I am in the process of praying through.  My original plan was to help with Kids World again and that is one option but I also have the option of teaching 3rd and 4th grade Sunday school every other week or even the option of doing a bit of both.  I’m just trying to seek God’s wisdom in it all before I just jump in there. 
I love that while even though I am no longer a student at the Institute that my learning isn’t stopping.  I’ve been really challenged by 1 Thessalonians 4:1 lately.  It says, “Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more.”  No matter what good I’m doing, there is always room for improvement.  It goes back to a point in the sermon at church today on Isaiah 6:1-8, when Isaiah called out that he was a man of unclean lips, it was because he was in the presence of God.  We never fully realize our sin until we stand in the presence of our Holy God.  But more importantly than that, we have hope!  Just as the angel took the live coal from the altar and pressed it to Isaiah’s lips and said that he was forgiven, Christ paid the price when He died on the cross for our sins and then rose on the third day to conquer death.  We have hope!  And if we believe that, we are forgiven because of what Christ did for us.  Another really neat point in the sermon today comes from verse 1, it starts out “In the year that King Uzziah died…” and then goes to talk about how Isaiah saw God and that shows that while the throne on earth might have been empty, the throne in heaven is never empty.  It was really neat because right now Forsyth is searching for a new senior pastor and the “throne on earth is empty” but not so in heaven, God is still on His throne, He is still in control.  Such a comforting thing to remember. 
Well, I’m sure I could go on and on about what God is doing and what I’m learning, but I just wanted to give you a glimpse into life for me right now.  As I’ve said, I’m really excited about the journey that God has me on and love sharing it with you.  Now for a few prayer requests:  Please be praying that I find a part time job, pray that FBC Forsyth will find a new pastor, pray that I will grow in my role as recruiter which will be sure to stretch me, and pray for the Institute class of 2012, that they will be open to the things that God wants to do in them and through them, that this won’t just be a year of increasing their knowledge but a step toward living a life that is completely sold out for Christ.  Also a few praises:  That God continues to provide even if it may not be in ways I expect, for the community that God has blessed me with here in Branson, the work that is being done here for the cause of Christ, and for the 4 precious kiddos who got baptized at FBC Forsyth today.  Thank you in advance for your prayers and please let me know if there is anything I can be praying about for you!

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